Archive for the ‘play’ Category

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016


I’m a hospital mask ninja!

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016


The continuing adventures of Sarah, Viking Scientist!

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016


Rah! Blanket creature.

Saturday, October 1st, 2016


Tether ball! This is both easier and more boring by one’s self.

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

You’ll see these stones again in a later picture.8-14-16

Saturday, August 13th, 2016


Fickas and I taking a nap.

Fickas! We’re napping!

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

More Descanso Arting!8-6-16

Friday, August 5th, 2016


Riding the train at Descanso with Marcella.

Thursday, August 4th, 2016


Setting up mats with Amanda.

Sunday, July 24th, 2016

160724backyardThis is Kim and me behind our apartment in the play structure there. There’s usually 3-10 kids out here, so that was cool.

They told me I had an accent, so I told them everyone has accents.