Aah. Sweet bed-napping victory.

6 Responses to “”

  1. nerkymarg Says:

    I give up. Even the floor won't suffice. She cries just as piteously. Now she cries if I try nursing her anywhere else at naptime, because it telegraphs my intent to lay her down somewhere other than the bed.

    Tricky, tricky baby.

    I'll try again when she's forgotten about it.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Babies never forget. Especially tricky babies.
    — GM

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Tricksy babieses, precious, not naps nice at all. -G

  4. Anonymous Says:

    So, like, wait until she's asleep – then move her to the crib. Muahahahaha! -Dan

  5. maullyyyy Says:

    I had one of those non compliant children. So it was a great excuse to get some rest for myself! Thanks, Nathan (#3 child for those who don't know)—-but Dan's advice is what I did with eventual success.

  6. Mark Says:

    Unfortunately, she's a light sleeper! Picking her up and moving her after she's conked yields an awake, cranky baby.


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