Hey! Bittersweetsage sent me this spider costume. Which is just a little too small. Like the costume Mom sewed last night.

I’m either growing really fast, or someone forgot to leave room for seams.


2 Responses to “”

  1. Bittersweet Sage Says:

    I'm innocent. Hmm… that word… "innocent"… It doesn't really go with the image I like to project. It's all rainbows and unicorns and frolicking pixies.

    So instead, let's just say that I didn't do it. I mean I totally would have, but I didn't.

    Next suspect?

  2. Sarah Says:

    Oh, oops–that package was from MO, not NY! The reading comp is still a little uncertain at 9 months.

    Thanks, Karen, for the super-cuteness!

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