Got a new anklet for my collection.

Ultrasound today for big kidneys at Childrens’ Hospital. (First ultrasound here on the outside.) Seeing pediatrician tomorrow for interpretation.

6 Responses to “”

  1. nerkymarg Says:

    Although, we have many diapers that attest to the fact that they *work*. Quite enthusiastically, in fact.

  2. maullyyyy Says:

    Such a cute diaper, too! It’s so cool to be able to watch you grow day by day— at least parts of you. Here praying tests come out okay. -A. Rose

  3. thargboy Says:

    Always use correct postage 🙂

  4. Sarah Says:

    I’m just testing some changes to the commenting settings. IGNORE ME!

  5. Sarah Says:

    I hate tests

  6. Sarah Says:

    I wish tests never happened

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